Welcome to the WordPress Blog page for RTV 3001.  We’ll use this page to discuss various topics throughout the semester.  Please be sure to check the course blackboard page to attain scores on your posts. Each post is worth 25 points (they’ll be 4 during the semester).

Remember, You’ll receive credit for an entry that thoughtfully reflects upon the reading, in-class discussion, another student’s posting or adds a unique link, picture or video to the discourse.  To receive full credit, you must post by the due date and include an entry of atleast 250 words.  Spelling and grammar do count. Please be sure that I may identify your entry so you receive the credit you deserve.  Blog on…

For the first entry, please watch the EPIC 2015 video (if the link doesn’t work, the video is also available via YouTube or Google search). In addition to watching the video, read up on the background information that led to the creation of the video, EPIC 2014 and follow up EPIC 2015.

After reviewing these items, please consider responding to any of the following questions:

The video does a nice job reviewing history of the Internet and the rise of what we term social media through 2004.  What portion of that history do you believe is particularly compelling?  Understanding that this version of the video was made in January 2005, which of the predictions made after 2004 do you believe are like reality today?  Which have not happened and maybe too far fetched?   What are your impressions of EPIC, the evolving personal information construct and what elements do you already see that are like this today?  If this construct comes to fruition, are there significant privacy concerns or does the convenience of having customized information delivered to us outweigh any harms?   How is EPIC and the history of social media significantly different from what we’ve been discussing in terms of radio, television and cable television — all forms of point-to-multipoint communication?   What trends does this video and EPIC represent in terms of how the Internet has evolved in terms of social media, Web 2.0 and user-generated content?

There are no right or wrong answers, just give us your informed insight on these issues.  Remember to be civil with one another if you disagree and be sure to attach your name to your post and/or comments that you make.  It’s not a bad idea either to save your entry in Word first just in case you have problems posting.